Hard days are hard.

“Today, I began to understand what the old man in the story meant when he said, “As for grief, you’ll find it comes in waves.” Today a wave hit me.” Continue reading

10 good things in 10 days | Finding the Bright Side

“Sometimes things happen in your life that begin to shift your perspective. Things that make you stop & THINK. Things that make you “stop & smell the roses” more. That make you notice the beauty around you in an all-consuming way.” Continue reading

10 things I said before having a kid.

“You’re pretentious and naïve in your pre-baby life. Now, life is chock-full of hard lessons, very few friends & you smell. Maybe you don’t have friends anymore because you smell? Maybe that’s the problem…” Continue reading

He’s 2 and he can do it.

Learning tower, mommy's helper, toddler, cooking

“All in all, we are far from perfect. I throw his clothes on as fast as I can when we’re in a rush. I spoon fed him his yogurt when I couldn’t stand him making a mess. I skip running errands so, instead we can take double the time to bake a treat…” Continue reading

She is anything but single…

Blended Family, single mother, parenting

Why I hate being called a “Single Mom” At first, it terrified me. I couldn’t even speak the words myself. I was scared, unprepared and frankly, a bit embarrassed. I recently shared a quote on my social media pages that … Continue reading

Anything but Football…

Father son, NFL, Football, Patriots

“Now before you grab your pitch forks, jump on your tail-gates and run me out of New England, hear me out…” Continue reading