Holy guacamole, guys. How is my last baby already ONE?! What a year it has been for our family. Many ups and downs but one thing is for sure, we have so much to celebrate and what better excuse than … Continue reading
Holy guacamole, guys. How is my last baby already ONE?! What a year it has been for our family. Many ups and downs but one thing is for sure, we have so much to celebrate and what better excuse than … Continue reading
“Throwing a shower doesn’t have to cost you an arm & a leg…it was a total low-budget success & I’ll show you exactly how I accomplished that!” Continue reading
overnight oats are where it’s at for me. I seriously forgot how much I love this stuff! I feel like there is this misconception about them that they don’t taste good because they’re healthy, that they’re mushy or can only be made a certain way…. Just forget about what you’ve heard and do me a favor? Give them an honest try will you? Because there is no better time than the cold, fall or winter months for some good ole’ comfort foods and this is definitely one worth adding to your list! Continue reading
In the past, we’ve committed to making most of our Christmas gifts by hand which means, I’ve put in some late nights in our little workshop. After sharing our passion for giving all handmade gifts with a few people, we’ve realized … Continue reading
“So, if you’re like I was last year… well, I might as well just fess up now and tell you I don’t have my act together this year either… but what I mean is, if you’re a habitual procrastinator like I cam, then chances are… you are exactly one week away from Halloween and there’s a high probability your kid has a Halloween party tonight and you haven’t put one bit of a costume together yet. ” Continue reading