So my normally great eater who’s almost 4 years old has been giving us a run for our money. Lately it seems like every time we put something in front of him it’s, “I don’t like that!” or “I’m not … Continue reading
So my normally great eater who’s almost 4 years old has been giving us a run for our money. Lately it seems like every time we put something in front of him it’s, “I don’t like that!” or “I’m not … Continue reading
“I was recently inspired by all the fitness gurus posting their award-winning food prep photos. So, I attempted some meal prep which went great for well… ONE WEEK. At that point, I realized if I took on a challenge that big all at once, I would be destined to fail…” Continue reading
overnight oats are where it’s at for me. I seriously forgot how much I love this stuff! I feel like there is this misconception about them that they don’t taste good because they’re healthy, that they’re mushy or can only be made a certain way…. Just forget about what you’ve heard and do me a favor? Give them an honest try will you? Because there is no better time than the cold, fall or winter months for some good ole’ comfort foods and this is definitely one worth adding to your list! Continue reading