I felt the turning of the tide last night. I did what I needed to do. But not until after I did it, did I realize how badly it was needed. Self care is a must. I preach this message … Continue reading
I felt the turning of the tide last night. I did what I needed to do. But not until after I did it, did I realize how badly it was needed. Self care is a must. I preach this message … Continue reading
My Sweet Pea, I wandered into your room today. Not like I usually do to hurriedly pick up the toys on the floor or grab the laundry piling up in the corner. But quietly & slowly like I used to when … Continue reading
“The other night, it was nearing dinner time (often what they call witching hour)…. Your dad had taken you out for “boys day” so, I could host a ladies-only baby shower at home. He had done a kickass job of parenting you by himself all day & needed a well-deserved break. You were starting to whine & I could see the emotion building up in you. Tried as I might, to figure out just what was bothering you or set you off, I couldn’t put my finger on it. So, I asked you to come outside with me? You protested at first, but eventually, willingly followed suit.
My son, your imaginary world is a magical place. A place I always want an invite to…” Continue reading
“As we were walking away I began to think about that exchange along with the many others we had already had during our short time at the beach… I told my friend that I’d been talking to my toddler about how he shouldn’t talk to strangers when he isn’t with mumma or daddy but that I don’t want him to stop talking to strangers when he is with us. My friend with an almost surprising tone said something like, “yeah you just walked right up to that man to start a conversation!”
I smiled as I thought to myself about how we continuously attract such sweet & kind people just about everywhere we go & thanks to the innocence of a 2 year old, I’m finding him & myself lost in conversation with these lovely people whom we’ve never met before…” Continue reading
“It’s crazy, life’s journey. I’m really feeling the positive effects of spring right now. This season around, is bringing big life changes as well and I couldn’t be happier to be taking a leap of faith and really pursue my passions. I started this little blog for fun, I said. An outlet, a creative funnel, a journal, a way to connect with others…” Continue reading
“One of the ways my toddler & I lift each other up is through affirmations. Since I’ve started saying some simple, relatable affirmations with him, I have watched the beam of light grow inside of him as he talks so proudly about himself & I listen carefully as the tone & energy in his voice changes with his words…” Continue reading