I recently came across a quote that read,
“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams, it’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the dreams will come to you.”
Holy shit guys. It was like a light-bulb went off. I knew right then and there that I wasn’t just doing one or two things right but a lot of them. I am leading my life the right way. Finally, right?! Cause’ let me tell you, it feels like a lifetime ago that I’ve felt this way. Well not really but I would be lying if I said I haven’t been dwelling on some of the challenges that have been thrown our way. Death, depression, grief, toddlerhood, work/family balance, etc. You know, stuff other people go through too but you isolate yourself into believing you’re the only person who could possibly feel “this way” or “this bad.”
I’ve been pouring my heart into my passions one baby step at a time. It is scary as hell, too. Just the other night, I proudly told a stranger that I run a blog. I even told her the name & how to find it. As silly as it sounds, I had been afraid to put myself out there. Not just with strangers but even more so with those closest to me.
Someone we know commented on how “expensive” my reclaimed wood signs are. I immediately felt knots in my stomach as I started to question myself; “Am I overpriced?” & so on… But, I stood my ground & reminded myself of my worth. The heart, the time, the energy, the intimacy I pour into my blog & making is not just a hobby to me. It is my passion that fuels my fire and we all deserve to have a job or work on what we are deeply passionate about – I have learned that I am worth that!
Speaking of leading your life the right way. I recently made a pretty HUGE change in my life. I had been putting the energy out there into the universe for something more. Something that brought me more fulfillment. Something that took care of my family’s needs in a more well-rounded aspect. Something that challenged me at a greater depth. And well, be careful what you wish for because mine was granted.
I literally just landed my dream job guys. I am honestly still in awe. I don’t think that I’ll really grasp just how big of a deal this is until I am living it day in & day out. A job that fuels my fire has just been dropped into my lap and I couldn’t be feeling more thankful – And, scared & excited, all at the same time.
I have been transitioning out of my job in insurance & financial services for the last two weeks (Something I was good at but I didn’t LOVE) to begin a position with a Maine-based granola company that just so happens to be the first 100% solar powered, net- zero food production facility in New England! The health foods industry is not only taking off right now but it’s something that I am super passionate about because it speaks to my personal lifestyle. A working mum usually spends more time at her job than she does at home so, if you’re going to sacrifice that much of your time & energy, you might as well be giving it to something you love. Something you can be proud of.
More recently, I have been trying to be more intentional about setting myself up for success. As I begin this season of change, growth, challenge, excitement… I know I will have a bit of a heavier plate on my hands (if that’s even possible.) Knowing that I will be in training for my new job for about a month while I still have my side hustles to manage & a family to be present for, I knew I’d have to learn to be more efficient with my time & do a better job of planning ahead.
I have made some things a bigger priority in my schedule & I am already seeing great results but I also knew I could do better which meant seeking some guidance from those with more experience than I. I believe that things come to you when you are ready – So, when I got an invitation a couple days ago to join Kelsey Van Kirk’s “Frazzled to Focused” 5 Day Challenge, I knew I was meant to jump right in & that the timing couldn’t be better as we welcome this season of change.
Today’s lesson talked about taking time to PAUSE in various ways which can help you set yourself up for success. I feel such a sense of comfort as I go into this big time of change because I know that I have been doing everything possible to set myself up for success but in the past that wasn’t always the case. For a long time, I would remain complacent simply because I wasn’t willing to make a change. So today, take a small step in the direction of a positive change. I encourage you to do ONE thing that will help make your week easier. One that would help the change of season go smoother for you. One thing that would help you feel more successful.
And if you’d like, come back & share what that was? Because just as I have been inspired, maybe you could inspire someone else to take a leap too?
PS: If you’re looking for a little inspiration of your own, I highly recommend the “Frazzled to Focused” challenge I’m doing. There’s still 4 more days to particiate & there’s no deadline on becoming a member of “The Home Loving Wife Sisterhood” – Where you’ll receive endless amounts of support & encouragement from a tribe of wives & moms just like you. And no, I didn’t get paid to mention that, I just shamelessly plug things & people I genuinely love.
“Do what you love, and you’ll never ‘work’ a day in your life.”
Great post, looking forward to hear about your new endeavor, lead the way mama!!
That statement couldn’t ring more true than it does now. My first day went great. Thanks for celebrating with me! xoxo
You’re amazing, friend!! So glad to know you and have the privilege of seeing you grown, and learn and blossom. xo
Thanks for coming along for the journey! I am so grateful for all the support that surrounds me. xoxo
So much awesome going on right now for you!!! It’s amazing and inspiring!
YOU, inspired by ME?! ahh you’re so sweet. Thanks mama <3
YES of course!!
CONGRATS on the new job!! It’s so exciting that you’re following your passion and going to able to live your dream!
I feel so incredibly blessed to be living out my passions on all fronts! Thanks for coming along to share in my excitement <3
I am so excited for you! I wish you luck at your new job! Don’t worry about being too expensive. I am photographer and that is a line that I’ve heard over and over. People just want everything for nothing. You just need to smile at them and say, “Well, Thank you for your interest.” And move on. 🙂
You clearly have some practice with that conversation, huh? 😉 Thank you for your encouraging words! xoxo
That’s so wonderful! So happy for you and your family!
I was feeling some doubts last night and this was exactly what I needed to read 🙂 I’m going to check out Frazzled to Focused now
I am so honored my words resonated with you! I hope to see you in the Sisterhood group <3
Love this post. I must admit I need a pause button like nobody’s business cause I’ve been running like a mad woman although I got me a new planner to set up things for my blog so I am hoping that will help me slow down and give me at last a few minutes 🙂
A planner can be a game changer! I am inconsistent with mine lol but when I do use it… I do well with lists 🙂 I aim for 10 minutes a day to take care of myself, since it’s a realistic expectation. I hope you find the balance you so need <3
Good for you for pursuing your dream job, even when it is just a little bit scary! Good luck in the new position.
Thanks mama! My first day went great!
Congratulations on landing your dream job!!! Also you’re signs are gorgeous!! Never question your worth. Just because they can’t see it doesn’t mean you’re not worth it. {{HUGS}}
You’re so kind Becky. Thanks for stopping by!
Viv, reading this made me smile from ear to ear. I am just SO happy to see a woman who believes in her self worth and who is making things happen. I believe entirely in attracting the energy that put out into the world, but I have also been a woman afraid to ask for what I really want. (I think perhaps it was fear that I might actually receive it??) Anyhow, I just always relate to you and, because of this, I could feel a tiny bit of the joy you must be experiencing. I wish you all the best as you begin this new season, and can’t wait to watch where you take yourself! xo
oh my gosh, so much yes to these feels! I know exactly what it’s like to be scared that it might actually happen. I was so afraid to make a change for so long. I came up with endless excuses but then I realized in order to even begin thinking about making a change this big, I needed to get my head in the right place right and look what happened when I did…. Thanks for always being one of my biggest cheerleaders mama! xoxo
It’s my pleasure! You inspire me!
This post was so inspiring! I’m excited about your new career path and am really interested in hearing more about the operations (I’m a big fan of solar!). So much good energy flowing from your words!!! Thank you!
I will definitely touch more on that as I learn more but it is so impressive already! I can’t wait until the weather allows for me to hangout in the solar field to eat my lunch! Thanks Starr ?
So wonderful and inspiring! Congratulations on landing your dream job, mama. You deserve it all!
Thank you so much for stopping by to celebrate with me! Xoxo
I’m so happy for you! This is amazing news, go girl! ??
Thanks Gina! I am embracing the scary & it feels good!
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