The laughable differences between my 1st Pregnancy & my 2nd… Thus far…

The laughable differences between my 1st Pregnancy & my 2nd... Thus far...

If you missed it, we had a blast sharing our big news here with a sweet little announcement photo. Now I know I’m only in my second trimester but let me tell you, I learned pretty darn quickly that this … Continue reading

An Adventurous Backyard Birthday Party for a 3 Year Old.

P's 3rd Birthday Party!

“I know, I know… If you follow along our crazy journey, then you know I hosted P’s Birthday Giveaway in May… When he turned 3.

And, because we like to have parties outside when we can almost be certain the weather here in Maine will cooperate, we threw his party in June.

Now, I’m finally getting around to posting it cause’ you know, #Life #Summer #SecondPregnancyWoes.

My hopes in sharing this with you is that you too will see how much fun a simple, summer backyard birthday party can be – And, affordable & easy too!

Well, ready or not, here we come – P’s Great Outdoor Adventure Birthday Party!”
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Surviving the Shitty days of Motherhood. 

Some days motherhood is downright shitty. And I’m not afraid to say it. Today, I took P to the farm stand & grocery store with me so that my incredible partner could get some things done around the house. I … Continue reading

There’s a good reason for that – Our BIG Announcement!

Pregnancy Announcement

Oh hi. I know I took a bit of a hiatus from just about everything but… it’s good to be back! I haven’t been writing or blogging, I haven’t been going to yoga class or even stepping foot on my … Continue reading

10 Things my 2 Year Old Toddler said…

10 Things my Toddler said & A Giveaway!

“Dude. My kid turned 3 this month. Three whole trips around the sun with him & here we are…

In light of 3 [adventurous, crazy, humorous, fun] Trips around the Sun with my Sweet P, I thought I’d share some comical quotes straight from the mouth of my favorite two year old. Oh, & hang in there til’ the end cause’ some super rad shops are helping us celebrate by giving back to your favorite tot with a stellar giveaway!” Continue reading

6 Easy Self Care Habits for Working Moms

6 Easy Self Care Habits for Working Moms

“As moms we make endless sacrifices for our families. I don’t mean that in a bad way but it’s just the way it is… We give up dreams we once had in a past life. We trade morning showers for nursing in bed. Some trade lunch breaks for potty breaks and some trade time with their family for time at the office. Whichever sacrifices you choose to make for your family doesn’t matter. It’s all in how you manage them all. The reality is, the more you give of yourself, the more time you need to take back for yourself. The mum cup can easily runneth’ dry… And, whats a dry cup to a toddler asking for milk for the billionth time today? Likely a meltdown, which is probably what you’ll eventually be caving into if you don’t don’t care of yourself!” Continue reading