Holy guacamole, guys. How is my last baby already ONE?! What a year it has been for our family. Many ups and downs but one thing is for sure, we have so much to celebrate and what better excuse than … Continue reading
Holy guacamole, guys. How is my last baby already ONE?! What a year it has been for our family. Many ups and downs but one thing is for sure, we have so much to celebrate and what better excuse than … Continue reading
“I know, I know… If you follow along our crazy journey, then you know I hosted P’s Birthday Giveaway in May… When he turned 3.
And, because we like to have parties outside when we can almost be certain the weather here in Maine will cooperate, we threw his party in June.
Now, I’m finally getting around to posting it cause’ you know, #Life #Summer #SecondPregnancyWoes.
My hopes in sharing this with you is that you too will see how much fun a simple, summer backyard birthday party can be – And, affordable & easy too!
Well, ready or not, here we come – P’s Great Outdoor Adventure Birthday Party!”
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