I’m sure this won’t surprise most of you given my lack of presence around here this year having just had a new baby and all… Well she’s actually not THAT new anymore and life is still just as crazy as … Continue reading
I’m sure this won’t surprise most of you given my lack of presence around here this year having just had a new baby and all… Well she’s actually not THAT new anymore and life is still just as crazy as … Continue reading
I don’t always bake… but when I do, it’s usually due to terrible weather or that someone is sick. Well this week it was me and after one day of literally sleeping ALL day, I needed something to do that … Continue reading
I don’t know about you but I trust that “mom brain” is a real thing. Despite this, I must appear to function like a normal human being regardless of how little sleep I’ve gotten, now that I’m back to work. … Continue reading
At the beginning of the week I shared this post about my bittersweet feelings on returning to work after 2 & 1/2 months of maternity leave. Well, I’m happy to say, we made it through the first week of this … Continue reading
New babies means…lots of MILK! Ya’ll have me thinking back to the very beginning of our own journey… Although my son is only a couple months away from his 3rd birthday, these milestones can make those new days feel like a lifetime away! Both of us fumbling around like Bambi with no clue what we were doing. But it gets better I promise… I’m not just saying that to be nice either. No sugar coating here. The milk & boobie gods didn’t cut me any slack… I had just about every bump in the road you can think of – at least that’s how it felt at the time…
If you want to talk milk, experiences & supply tips read on in this post. If this doesn’t apply to you, please kindly continue on with your day… Continue reading